You can really learn a lot about a person from some of their favorite things. Hence the "25 Things About Me" Facebook notes and the awkward small talk conversation go-to "So, what kind of movies do you like?" or something of the sort. But to me, each piece of pop culture, art, poetry, or each hobby and past time reveals a bit more about the person than meets the eye. I've been struggling to come up with an About Me section for this blog lately, so I think a bunch of mini-lists of things I like will work even better. Enjoy!
Favorite Songs (at the moment):
- "She's Always a Woman" by Billy Joel
- "All Will Be Well" by the Gabe Dixon Band
- "Hey Pretty Girl" by Kip Moore
What I'm Currently Reading (or trying to...):
Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
Three Random Things I Have an Affinity For:
- Owls
- Nutcrackers
- Peace Signs
Best Advice I've Ever Received:
"Serve God; enjoy life."
Television Shows I Think Are Worth Watching:
- Bones
- Doctor Who
- Broadchurch
- The Big Bang Theory
Favorite Feeling:
Taking a walk late at night, in the autumn-- the glorious moon shining bright, the wind gently blowing my hair, leaves rustling a bit, enough chill in the air to make me pull the sleeves of my hoodie down over my palms. Perfect.
Most Loved Piece of Clothing (right now):
This new 60's-ish long sleeve dress my Grandma bought for me!
I pretty much love dresses in general. Too bad they're super hard to play cello in.
This Year's Favorite Verse:
Ecclesiastes 3:11, NIV: "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
Four Good Poems/Sonnets You Should Check Out:
- "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost
- "She Walks in Beauty" by George Gordon (Lord Byron)
- "The Touch of the Master's Hand" by Myra Brooks Welch
- "The World Is Too Much With Us" by William Wordsworth
And here's this. Just because I think the 'Keep Calm' stuff is cool and I'm such a nerd. So best of both worlds in this one!