Wendy Darling (Peter Pan, 1953)
When I was little I loved Wendy simply because she was the girl who accompanied Peter Pan in some of his adventures in Neverland. In fact, I was very envious of her for that reason. She was the girl who believed in fairies, in Peter Pan, and in Neverland. She was the girl who with a little "faith, trust, and pixie dust" soared past Big Ben to the second star to the right, meets all the Lost Boy's in Hangman's Tree, and is rescued from the grasp of Captain Hook. Now that I'm older, I appreciate Wendy because she is given the chance to stay a child forever (which may often sound appealing), but accepts the call of adulthood. She embraces its virtues head-on, but keeps a little piece of that child-like wonder and magical belief in her heart.
Laura Holt (Remington Steele, 1982-1987)

Dr. Temperance Brennan (Bones, 2005-Present)
Brennan (aka "Bones") is one of the most unique characters I've ever seen. She is a genius-- like IQ through the roof with 3 Ph.D.'s. She had traumatic teen years and is also quite socially awkward, but at times it's humorous. It is ironic that a woman who knows so much about science, and can figure out so much given someone's bones cannot grasp sarcasm or a widely known pop culture reference. What I do admire is her tenacity for truth and her ability to reason well. Also, I especially like that I, as the viewer, can see her character grow so much over the course of nine seasons. She starts out being this very rigid and bitter, hard-science-only, emotionless investigator. As the seasons roll by, she begins to empathize with the victims and their families, learns how to compromise and conjecture, and ultimately is in the process of really learning how to love her partner (both work and romantic partner), Booth, and her daughter.
River Song (Doctor Who [New Series], 2005-Present)
River Song. I've only recently been introduced to this character (unlike the others who I've "gotten to know" quite in depth for the past 5-15 years). I was immediately intrigued by the character, and not only because her story is so crazy and slightly confusing. River is just a cool person. She's mysterious and beautiful, sassy and charming. Others have described her as "like a female Indiana Jones" and I mostly agree. She can stand up for herself (and I think she enjoys the feeling of a gun in her hand a bit too much), but she trusts the Doctor with every fiber of her being, even though she knows that trust could one day kill her. Aside from her personality, I think she dresses really unique and elegantly and I love her curly hair! All in all, River is a great balance of classy and on the edge of scandalous, and of fierce and tender.
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